Friday, February 19, 2010


Are football players overpaid? I believe that some football players are very overpaid. Take for instance, Jared Allen. Jared Allen is a Defensive End for the Minnesota Vikings, which happen to be my favorite football team. In 2008 Jared Allen signed a six year contract with the Vikings for just shy of 74 million dollars. This makes Jared Allen the highest paid Defensive End in NFL history. This seems to me like a very ridiculous amount of money to pay someone for tackling people. I don't think that it's good for the economy to pay so much salary to football players. I think that if someone deserves to be paid more money, it's people like teachers that deserve more salary. They aren't paid nearly enough and in my opinion they are more important to the future of our society because they shape young minds. I think that teachers contribute much more positively to society. This is why I don't think that we should pay Jared Allen so much.

Friday, February 5, 2010


I am very excited to watch the Superbowl this Sunday. It is going to be aired at 6:00 ET on CBS on February 7th 2010. All of my friends want the Saints to win. I personally don't, I want the Colts to win. All night downtown last night I had to her "WHO DAT WHO DAT??" I was like. "SHUT UP!!" I think that I am a little salty still that the Vikings lost to the Saints. Anyways, my friend Megan posted something on her facebook the other day and I thought it was interesting and so I'm going to share it with you guys. She wrote " This will be the 44th superbowl, Obama is the 44th president, there are 44 days from Christmas to Superbowl Sunday. The Saints franchise is 44 years old on Superbowl Sunday. It will be 4 years and 4 months since Katrina. The Saint's won in 4 minutes and 44 seconds in overtime." she also said "who dat, who dat" again. How annoying. I hope the Colts win.


About Me

I'm a 23 yr old female that's interested in football. I love the Minnesota Vikings. I want the Colts to win the superbowl.